How to Build a Trustworthy Brand That Customers Love

September 19, 2024
How to Build a Trustworthy Brand That Customers Love

Building a brand that gets people's trust is like becoming the effortlessly cool and reliable friend that people want to hang out with. It requires authenticity, reliability, and an impression that leaves people wanting more. But in a world where every brand competes for attention, how do you rise to be that brand where all trust resides?

Time to take some notes from the big leagues. Let's see how companies like Apple, Nike, and Amazon have earned their customers' love and trust and how you can, too.

Don’t Just Say It, Stand for Something

Remember when Nike launched their "Just Do It" campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick? It wasn't just a great catchphrase, it was Nike's declaration that they stood for something bigger than shoes. In association with their brand, a major social movement was identified, showing customers that they didn't just care about how many shoes they could sell.

Your brand doesn't have to wade into controversy, but it needs to stand for something. Customers want to align themselves with a brand that stands for something, like Patagonia with their environmental responsibility.

Ask yourself:

  • What does your brand really stand for?
  • How are you improving the lives of your customers or even making the world better?

When your values are clear, customers will know exactly what to expect from you and why they should trust you. Stand for something, and make sure your customers know what that is.

Transparency is the Keyword

Internet is everywhere and easy to access, consumers can Google everything. Transparency isn't optional. It's required. Take, for example, Apple's situation with slowing down older iPhones with aging batteries. Well, at least they didn't try to cover it up. They spoke about this issue publicly and apologized to customers, offering them inexpensive battery replacements. People appreciate that much honesty.

What does transparency mean? Here's what Apple does:

  • Clear product descriptions: no unexpected hidden costs.
  • Being upfront about product limitations (iPhone’s battery life, for example)
  • Talking about mistakes openly and correcting them

The openness kept customers trusting Apple even during the public problem. Customers like a brand when it admits to the problem and works toward rectification.

Think about that thing you wanted customers not to see, they will. Be open, and you'll earn trust instead of losing it.

Consistency Is Your Secret Sauce

Ever wondered why Coca-Cola would taste the same in New York, Tokyo, or Nairobi? Not by accident. Consistency is what builds a brand that people can trust. The Coca-Cola brand has been consistent in flavor, branding, and messaging for more than 100 years. That dependability turned it into a globally trusted brand.

Make your tone, style, and values consistent across all platforms in the same way that the Coca-Cola logo is. This means that each time the customer engages with your messages, in your email copy, or when purchasing a product on your website, they will know what to expect from you.

Be consistent like Coca-Cola across all platforms. When your brand personality changes as a mood swings, people have absolutely no clue what to expect next from you.


Emotions Sell

Nike does not sell shoes; it sells the power of what one feels when those shoes are put on shows strength, success, and personal achievements. Think of that unforgettable motto from Nike: "Just Do It." They sell you, not shoes but the belief that one can do everything provided the spirit is right, and probably, with the right sneakers.

Emotive brands build much deeper connections with the audience than just simple product sales. People trust those brands for which they feel something: happy, encouraged, or reminded of the past.

To establish an emotional connection with your customers:

  • Think of the experiences of your products, not just the product.
  • Talk about your brand's path, challenges, and achievements.
  • Elaborate with practical examples derived from consumers/clients.

Be like Nike and sell the feeling, not just the item. You’re not just a product, you’re an experience.


Treat Customer Service Like It’s Your Golden Ticket 

Amazon has one of the finest customer service systems in the world. They have gained trust by incorporating stress-free returns, support 24/7, and a customer-first attitude into their foundation. And if things go wrong, they fix it quickly, no questions asked.

This commitment to customer service has made Amazon one of the most trusted brands globally, even though it sells millions of products.

To provide excellent customer service like Amazon:

  • Be quick, friendly, and available 24/7 or as near as possible
  • Always prioritize solving the customer’s problem over any rigid Policy.
  • Accept easy-free, and exchanges to keep your customers happy.

Care for your customers, and they are going to automatically trust you. Jeff Bezos adds that working with the customer/clients is going to be the best way of earning trust. If you make them feel they are the most important person in this world, then they will stick with you for life.

Deliver on Your Promises 

The major reason FedEx became so well known is that they built their brand around a promise: "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight." And they fulfill that promise. This is the credibility factor that makes one go back to them when anything has to be done right.

When you make a promise, keep it. If you promise to deliver something in 3 days, it's got to get there in two. You're building trust in your customers when they realize they can rely on you. Just because of that don’t under-promise but over-deliver more than expected.

Show Off Your Happy Customers' Opinion 

Word of mouth works better than anything when it comes to trust. Airbnb structures its entire service around trust. It asks in great detail for reviews from the users at the end of each stay, which further helps other users on the website build trust.

Customers act as the most trusted marketers, their reviews help in gaining trust among new customers. Try to encourage your customers to share with the world their great experiences through social media posting, reviews, or testimonials.

Be more like Airbnb, let the reviews speak for themselves, coming from your satisfied customers. That is much better than telling people how great you are.


Own Your Online Presence 

Netflix knew how to own its online presence, from personalized recommendations down to smooth streaming without a hitch; sleek, fast, and customer-centered. Their social media held up its end too, since it never failed to be engaging with customers through such smart or highly relevant content.

To build trust online, your website and social channels should be as smooth as your Netflix binge experience. Make it easy for customers to navigate, find what they need, and leave happy, and don’t forget to be engaging on social media!



1. How long does it take to build a trustworthy brand? Building trust isn’t an overnight thing, ask brands like Nike and Coca-Cola. It can take months, even years, but if you’re consistent and customer-focused, you’ll build it brick by brick.

2. What’s the fastest way to lose customer trust? The quickest way to kill trust? Over-promise and under-deliver. Or worse, ignore customer complaints. Customers remember when brands let them down.

3. How can small businesses build trust without a big budget? Small businesses can build trust by being authentic, and transparent, and offering stellar customer service. You don’t need a billion-dollar marketing budget, just a commitment to treating customers like gold.

4. Can social media really help build trust? 100%. Social media is where you can show your brand’s personality, respond quickly to customer queries, and share social proof like reviews and testimonials.

5. What should I do if my brand makes a mistake? Own it. Be transparent, apologize, and show your customers how you’re going to fix it. Customers appreciate brands that can admit their faults and make things right.



Valued as trustworthy and loved at the same time is a brand like Nike, Apple, and Amazon, are born from being true to their values, transparent, and establishing connections on an emotional level. No matter what a business is, whether it is big and global or small, it is all about being consistent and reliable and taking care of the customers. Follow these steps, and who knows, your brand might be the next one people can’t stop talking about, in a good way, of course.